benny_cute_boy_outside_sept_2007_1Benny demonstrates all the wonder, love and joy that is true of the Havanese personality. This despite a rough start in the world.

Benny came to HRI after being purchased by an anonymous donor out of an auction in northern Wisconsin. He was surrendered to a shelter who called to ask HRI for help. Benny had not been socialized and was intially quite shy and reserved. He sure did love other dogs though!

You can see Benny here, practising a play bow just a few days into foster care. What a cutie!         
benny_waiting_to_be_weighed_resizedBenny was probably brought to the auction because he has a significant problem with his bite. His mouth is overshot, so much so that his lower canines press into his upper palate. Once his jaw has matured, he will need surgery. His lower canines will both have root canals before they are trimmed off and capped. It will  make it much easier for Benny to eat and enjoy the good things in his life.benny_wants_to_play_resized

Benny is pictured here with his Havanese brother. He got to be part of his new family's Christmas card! 


Benny lives with his family in Montana. He loves baths, lots of pets and ear rubs, playing with his Havanese brother, and sleeping under the quilt at night on the bed with his folks and brother Bear. "Life is good!" he'd say. We at HRI try to make that true for as many Havanese as possible.

Changing lives ... one Havanese at a time.