Words From The President
In this season of giving thanks, I am mindful
of the many blessings our volunteers bring to
HRI. We are rich with loving, selfless
people who give of themselves every day.
They provide that soft, safe place for our
dogs, all of whom come to us in need of love
and care.
So, in the spirit of the holiday, I say thank
you. I am grateful every day for each of you
and the work that you do.
I wish all of you a Happy Belated Thanksgiving.
Stacy DeJoseph
Jozy (formerly Patsy) Delights in her New Home |
Our family has loved having our first Havanese, Jack,
for the last five years. He has been the perfect dog
for us, adding fun and energy to our household. As a
very friendly dog, Jack has loved socializing with
both people and other dogs.
Because we were building a new house which is far
secluded than our current home which is close to a
park, we worried that Jack would be lonely. We were
talking about getting a "friend" for Jack after we
moved but the fates intervened. My sister, who had
just rescued her own dog, spotted Patsy while
rescue listings. Patsy was fostered in Ohio. I
casually showed the picture to my husband who
immediately said, "Find out if she is available." She
was! Coincidentally, we were heading to Ohio the
following weekend for a friend's wedding. We wrote
some fast emails and made some quick phone calls
everything, from reference checks to home visit fell
in place. It was meant to be because on Monday we
Jozy's picture on the internet and by Sunday we were
bringing her home from Ohio.
We love having Jack and Jozy as part of our family. We
will be moving in a few weeks so both dogs have had
time to get to know each other. Our house is full of
energy and all three of my kids love having two dogs.
Jack is our mellow fellow and Jozy is our spunky
gal... they are great for each other and we couldn't
imagine life without them!
Shelly Dragul
As Editor of the newsletter, this story brought a
special twinkle to my eye. I was in the midst of
moving across country when I was asked if I could do
Havanese identification. Although very busy, I went to
the shelter to see a completely shaved down scared
puppy who had an injured leg. I actually took photos
because I was unsure of her breed, but I did see her
energy and happiness as everyone walked by while I
there. With some work, the shelter located the former
owners and learned she'd been purchased from a pet
store and was indeed a Havanese. It is heartwarming
see her journey through HRI. First she had surgery
while with her foster home and is now a cherished
family member in her forever home! -Amanda Brown
Thanks for a very Successful Auction! |
Laura Cascino, the Havanese breed's grand
auctioneer, managed to pull off another
auction miracle. The 2008 auction was the
most successful ever. More than $10,000 was
earned to help the Havanese in HRI!
A record number of items (175!) were donated.
The support was overwhelming. The bidders
this year also outdid themselves. As Laura
said, "from 'first timers' to 'veterans' you
are all incredibly generous!" We hope she
looked in the mirror when she said that!
Laura's gift of time and talent gave us all a
way to pull together to help our dogs. That's
what it's all about and we all
appreciate the effort. We want to offer a
huge thank you to everyone who participated
in the auction to help make it such a success.
--Lu Wyland
P.S. If you missed out on the auction item
you are looking for, please read the next
article as there is still time to shop!
Havanese Rescue Keepsake Store |
The Havanese Rescue Keepsake Store on CafePress
is up, running, and ready for business! Come check it
out: http:/
/www.cafepress.com/havanesequilts. Quilt block
images from the 2007 Quilt, Garden Helpers, are
featured on tons of items such as Keepsake Boxes,
Calendars, T-Shirts, Magnets, and lots more! For
instance, all totebags have the entire quilt image on
one side and you can choose your favorite of 30
blocks for the other side!
Items are still available from the 2006 "Doodad Quilt"
as well as the 2005 Quilt. Items with the Universal
Havanese Rescue Quilt Project logo are available
also. Please note: 2005 Quilt items and Universal
Rescue Quilt Project logo items are scheduled to be
phased out on December 31, 2007 so order your
favorites now! A portion of all sales benefit HRI!
If you made a quilt block, consider purchasing items
with your creation to share with friends and family. If
you wish you had won the quilt (and who doesn't? It's
fabulous!!) here's your chance for a "piece" of it! If you
need to buy a gift for a Havanese lover, what better
place? If you need donation items (for the 2008
Auction perhaps?) get it here!!
Happy Shopping!
Erica Greis
Changing Lives: Our Wonderful Fosters |
Since 1914 the United States celebrates
on the second Sunday in May. The holiday,
enacted by
then president Woodrow Wilson, reminds the
of the importance of a loving, supportive
mother in a
child's life. Those of us in HRI know there
are many
Havanese who also need to benefit from those
wonderful traits.
HRI needs a solid roster of available foster
They give the ultimate, priceless gift of
love and
nurture, providing healthy and supportive
homes for
little lost dogs in transition. The goal of
foster family
care is to ultimately place each animal with
a loving
and caring family after preparing the dog and
adopters for a successful match. Our fosters
are key
members of our "team."
Our foster family members need to be energized,
organized, and have a tremendous sense of humor
when coping with the antics of a Havanese who
needs to be sanitized, socialized,
mannerized, and
often times housebroken! They have to be
willing to
take in an animal on short notice, sometimes
little about what baggage might be attached
to this
little furry bundle. The payback is love and
pride in
seeing the tremendous changes our dogs
make during their stay with HRI.
The word "foster" means to help with growth and
development, caring for a myriad of daily
needs in a
safe place for the unknown duration of the
stay. It
means opening your heart with and for
love and then letting go when the time is
just right. It
might be for just a day, a few nights, or it
might be for a
few months. A few Havanese have even found their
forever homes right with their foster family!
There are
worries, changes, and challenges. Some dogs have
health issues and a few can't be saved.
Foster care
can create a roller coaster of emotions.
there is research and planning and decisions to
make. HRI provides the back up our foster
need. Our team works together so we never
lose sight
of the goal - a happy, contented animal that
no longer
has sadness or fear present in his or her
These are admirable people! They do God's work!
Let's all thank them for their helping hands
and their
open hearts; their road-warrior treks and all
they do. If
you'd be willing to try this rewarding task,
we welcome
you to apply.
I've learned that you shouldn't go through
life with a
catcher's mitt on both hands. You need to be
able to
throw something back. ~Maya Angelou
Our volunteers are doing way more than
tossing a few
Volunteers are love in motion! ~Author Unknown
Bonnie Gehrt Davis
Adoption Corner
Three year old Cocoa is a chocolate Havanese
as sweet as his name. He loves everybody!
This young guy would be fine as an only dog
or with a female canine friend with whom to play.
Companionship and love are Cocoa's greatest
needs from his new family. He loves to go out
and meet people but also loves just spending
time at home with his family.
When his hair grows out, you're going to see
one very handsome dog. Cocoa is also working
on his diet (aren't we all after
Thanksgiving?) Cocoa is fostered near Fort
Myers, Florida. He's working there on his
manners. He already knows sit, wait, inside,
outside and has a very reliable "come." He
even sits and waits to be petted, having
learned not to jump up on people for
attention. With his loving nature, Cocoa
very much wants to please. Cocoa would be a
wonderful addition to a family wanting an
affectionate dog in their lives. To learn
about Cocoa....
To Inquire about
Upcoming HRI Events
Milwaukee Pet Expo
February 2
The Great Lakes Family Pet Expo is a
wonderful event for the family. There are
many vendors and rescue organizations
present. Entertainment in the past has
included agility, fly ball and freestyle
dancing as well as demonstrations from Search
and Rescue dogs and the Canine Unit of the
police department. Be sure to check the
website http://www.aware-wi.com/petexpo_new.htm
for updates to this event. We hope to see you
Looking for a way to help HRI? Look
to Gateway Havanese Club!
The Gateway Havanese Club wanted to share how we
helped HRI. We purchased all of our trophy
items for
our supported entry on Sunday Oct 21st,
Springfield, IL
show, from the HRI's CafePress store. They
were very
well received and will be treasured by all.
We wanted
to say THANK you for having this these items
Michele Johannes- Trophy Chair
Well, not quite, but there's a way YOU can
help HRI raise money without spending
even a penny! Here's how it works!
Go to goodsearch.com
Look at the second box on the page that
follows the words: "I'm supporting"
and type in Havanese Rescue- HRI. Then click
the button that says "Verify."
That's it! Each search generates a penny for
HRI. If 100 people do two searches
a day, that's $2.00 a day for HRI or $60 a
month and it costs you nothing.
Searching through goodsearch.com
does not sign you up for any spam or put you on
a mailing list. It's just another search
engine, this one sponsored by yahoo.
Thanks to everyone who uses this option
and raises money for our Havanese!