Jesse in IN headshot

13 years old
14 Pounds
Is house trained, leash trained, and crate trained
Playful, shy/timid, affectionate
Needs an adult only quiet household, fenced yard
Has special needs

Jesse in the sun

Jesse is a sweet boy who fits in very well in his foster home. He loves going on walks and prances as he explores the neighborhood. He seems to love both his foster mom and foster dad and gets along well with their other dogs. He is not comfortable around children. It is unknown how he reacts to cats.

Jesse came to foster care with a long history of ear infections. He is getting treatment and will likely need long term special care of his ears. Because of his hearing loss, his foster family approaches Jesse from the front to get his attention before picking him up or indicating it’s time to go outside, etc. Jesse is responding well to this practice. He needs clear communication like visual cues and being sure you have his attention. Jesse is very food motivated and loves both his mealtimes and treats.

This adorable boy is quite the lover of the great outdoors. He explores his new fenced yard, is excited to go on walks and loves sunning himself on the deck. Despite appreciating the outdoors, however, he doesn’t like getting his feet wet.

Jesse is a fairly quiet dog, but he does bark when he hears the doorbell or other dogs in his family barking. He quiets when his foster parents clap their hands to get his attention and give him a cue to stop.

Jesse likes going into his crate at times for a nap or just to get away from it all. At night he prefers to sleep at the foot of the bed.

You can see in the video that Jesse is quite able to entertain himself by playing with toys, tossing them into the air. You can’t help but smile seeing this sweet guy enjoy life.

Jesse is being fostered in Indiana.

Jesse standing


A fee will be requested to adopt this dog. The recommended fee amount will be based on the dog's age, and medical and behavioral issues, if any. 

A completed application is required if you are interested in adoption.

Thank you for considering a rescue dog!

Changing lives ... one Havanese at a time.