Havanese Rescue, Inc. Newsletter Changing Lives...One Havanese At A Time
March 2008

Words From The President

Glorious spring is in the air bringing forth a sense of renewal and growth, and Havanese Rescue Inc. is surely in keeping with that spirit. Our rescue numbers are increasing by the week, presenting us with challenges we are working hard to meet.

While our dogs come to us for various reasons, they all share one commonality - need.

Our volunteers come to us for one reason - a desire to help with those needs. We are continually humbled and amazed by the selfless attitudes, giving spirits, and loving hearts of these people. While each volunteer is valued, our foster angels are our greatest gift. Without them we could not exist.

With our unprecedented growth we are in great need of additional foster homes. So, it is with a hopeful heart that I am asking for your help in meeting this challenge.

Please consider opening your heart and home to a Havie rescue. You will be rewarded with a heart filled with joy in being able to give the blessing of renewal to a little lost dog.

Stacy DeJoseph

In this issue
  • Adoption Corner
  • Postcard from Boca!
  • HRI Education-Milwaukee Pet Expo
  • Foster Angels
  • Anne & Biscuit: First Time Fostering Perspective

  • Postcard from Boca!

    Postcard from Boca

    Hi to all my Hav Rescuer friends! Life here in sunny Florida couldn't be better! Len and Bev take me almost everywhere with them, but when I know that I'm going to have to spend a bit of time alone, I'm under the bed for sure. (I prefer the top of the bed for sleeping!)

    I have lots and lots of neighborhood dog and people pals, a girlfriend and more play dates than you could shake a bully stick at! There is even a waiting list of people who want to take care of me when Len and Bev are headed out for an extended time. What more could a Hav boy ask for? They've changed the expression from the "Life of Riley" to the "Life of Cooper." I've got it made.

    I am in love with both my new owners, but Len and I share some great guy times. We walk to meet Bev at exercise class, You probably already heard about my own private chair in the driveway, car rides and, are you ready for this...Len doesn't even want to go on vacation anymore....I'm all that, aren't I?

    I miss you all, but when my mom tells everyone that I'm a "people person" that about sums it up, doesn't it?

    Love and Hav Hugs to All, Coop

    HRI Education-Milwaukee Pet Expo

    A great time was had by everyone attending the Great Lakes Pet Expo in Milwaukee on February 2. HRI was well represented with numerous volunteers, both human and Havanese!

    Charlie, a recent Havanese foster dog now happily adopted, made his debut at the HRI booth. He delighted visitors with his puppy charm. You can see him pictured here with Beans and Frank, both veterans to HRI booths, and Angie, another regular HRI volunteer.

    HRI provides information about the breed as well as positive pet care and education about puppy mills, an ever growing problem in Wisconsin and other parts of the country. Many people stopped by our booth that day. In fact, one family is now a foster family awaiting the arrival of a young Havanese mix left in a shelter after his owner died! We thank our volunteers for giving of their time and talents to make the Great Lakes Pet Expo a success.

    Lu Wyland

    Foster Angels

    One of the most important volunteer jobs of Havanese Rescue is that of our Foster Angels. Currently, HRI has an overwhelming number of newly-rescued dogs and is in need of additional Foster Angels. If you have room in your heart and home, please visit Havanese Rescue for more information on volunteering and fostering. HRI covers all expenses, medical, grooming and behavioral supports, but we cannot help the dogs that need us without families to bring them into their home for that important first step for the rest of their lives.

    Here are some quick notes from a few of HRI's Foster Angels:

    There are so many different ways to help Rescue! Each job is so important. I'm not a computer person, nor a speaker (or much of a writer either LOL). I do love fostering, and I told myself from the beginning that I couldn't keep any of the rescues coming through my house, because I had to leave room for the next one that needed me. And we have so many good applications coming in to adopt, that finding that perfect person, that perfect home makes handing that little fluff ball over, easier.

    Getting those weekly reports from Sasha's mom, pictures of Hershey & Snickers with the grandchildren at Christmas, notes from others that I've helped place or others in HRI have placed makes it all worthwhile.

    Participating in Laura's Auction, donating toward Annie's medical bills, doing the "behind the scenes" work, spreading the word...every bit is important to each and every Hav that passes through the doors of Rescue. And that is what it is all about in my heart, the Desi's the Bennys, the Annies, all of them that need our help to find their perfect, loving forever home!

    Anne & Biscuit: First Time Fostering Perspective

    I guess it is only fitting that I agreed to volunteer with HRI since it was a rescue that led me to my Mirabel. It was inadvertent. I met a wonderful rescue dog when I was in a Petco. (He wasn't a Havanese, but he sure was cute!) I even applied to adopt him, but someone else was chosen. That started my search for a new family member. While researching breeds, Havanese kept cropping up. I thought about fostering a dog since I knew there was a need. Then I met Mirabel, my Havanese, and fell in love with her and the breed.

    I knew about HRI before the national specialty in Denver, but after meeting so many wonderful volunteers there, I knew volunteering was something I wanted to do. I sent in my application and was welcomed into the warmest and most caring group of people you could ever want to meet. I am lucky to have had the most wonderful first time fostering experience. I was so excited to be called. It was my chance to help a dog, give him lots of love and take care of him until the perfect "furever" home was found.

    It was hard to wait for the foster homecoming of Biscuit, our first foster dog. We were excited to meet him! He was immediately greeted by my fur family which can be a little overwhelming for any dog. Poor Biscuit didn't know what to make of it. He immediately took to my son though and sat curled up with him.

    For the first day and a half he mainly stayed in his bed or on the sofa. He ate and went out when asked but not much more. Subsequently he became more adventurous and decided he liked the little girl dog that was a lot like him. They got along really well and enjoyed playing with each other. He still wasn't sure what to make of the bigger dogs. Everyday he became more outgoing and showed his delightful personality. We have had many a laugh over his antics.

    For a dog that once had a fractured rear leg he has the highest vertical leap I think I have ever seen. I joke that he needs to be adopted by the circus because he is so acrobatic. He sits up, jumps very high, walks on his hind legs, and is one of the most charming dogs you could want to meet. With his big brown eyes looking at you adoringly, Biscuit loves to be loved on.

    I can't imagine a better first time experience for fostering. It has been wonderful to see Biscuit adapt to the new routine and his new family members. There have been a few trying days but all in all it has been a very positive experience. He has added to the number of kisses and cuddles I get everyday. I know he won't be with me long because he is such a great puppy. He should find a home quickly.

    Would I foster again? In a heart beat. The love and laughs Biscuit has brought into my home far outweigh a few accidents on the floor.

    I am sure the hardest part of fostering is yet to come, the day we say goodbye and send Biscuit on to a new family. The house will seem too quiet and we'll be sad for awhile but we will know that he is moving on to bigger and better things. I hope he knows how much he touched us and how much he will be missed. I am one lucky person to have had this amazing dog come through my home and hope that his new family appreciates how amazing he is too. We love you Biscuit!

    For those thinking about fostering, I hope you decide to give it a try. You will make a big difference in the life of a dog and make a big difference in the lives they go on to touch.

    Anne S.

    Make sure to check out Biscuit's information in the adoption corner!

    Adoption Corner


    Biscuit is very much a lovable, 18 month old neutered male Havanese. He likes lots of attention and belly rubs. He would do well with dogs about his same size and strength but we don't know if he's ever experienced cats. He is very smart and has caught on to things around here very quickly. Like most Havs he loves his naps and also has his high energy times. He has some dominance issues with one of my other dogs but this hasn't been too big of an issue. Just a little barking here and there. He learned right away which door we go outside through and lets me know if he wants to go outside. One of the funny things he does is use his paws a lot to get a person's attention. He eats well and hasn't shown to be picky at all. He will make a great pet for someone. He seemed to really take to my teenage son the first day - I think because he reminded Biscuit of his previous family. I gave him a bath in my sink and he did wonderfully. He follows me around and shreds whatever paper he can find, definitely a Havanese through and through! He is cream colored with a lot of apricot in his ears, tail and certain areas of his body.

    He did fracture his back right leg before coming to rescue so I would make sure they monitor it for any issues. Here he is running on it no problem. If you are interested in Biscuit please complete an adoption application and submit with his name in the subject line so we will be able to process it to the correct State contact. Biscuit is currently being fostered in Missouri.

    To Inquire about Biscuit...


    This 14 month old little boy will charm his way into your heart! Mickey is generous with his kisses once he gets to know you and loves to play with squeaky toys. Mickey is a very cute 15 pound silver and black Havanese looking for an adult home without young children. He would enjoy a smaller dog pal to hang out with, but will be happy with human attention even if he doesn't have another small dog with whom to play.

    A dog experienced family who will take Mickey to obedience training will help this little guy gain some much needed confidence. Mickey is still in the house training process and will need a very patient home to continue to work with him. He would do best with someone who is home during the day. He loves to ride in the car and is very treat motivated! Mickey is current with shots, current on heart worm prevention and is comfortable with the crate. Mickey is currently being fostered in Ohio.

    To Inquire about Mickey...

    Upcoming HRI Events

    Coming Soon
    They are the axis on which our personal dog world spins, these Havanese. Yes, they really do make our world go 'round! Watch for information about what's in store from this year's quilters for the Havanese Rescue Quilt project.


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    Changing lives ... one Havanese at a time.