Havanese Rescue, Inc. Newsletter Changing Lives...One Havanese At A Time
April 2008

Words From The President

Welcome to the April edition of our online newsletter. There is much happening and our volunteers are busier than ever.

Work continues on our quilt project which will have an exciting change this year, plans are being made for our Annual Appeal which will coincide with HRI's fourth anniversary this summer, education is being done through information and public awareness booths in various locations, the HRI reception being held as part of the National Specialty in August is taking shape, we've had the formation of our own Geek Squad, and so much more.

Many people are working in different areas and on varied tasks, giving of their time and talent, all with the same goal in their hearts - being able to continue the work that is the most important to all of us- helping our rescue Havanese. We remain ever grateful for the selfless efforts of so many.

Stacy DeJoseph

In this issue
  • Adoption Corner
  • Goodsearch: Time to Shop!
  • Changing Lives: Kathy Patrick
  • Our Volunteers: The Intake Committee

  • Goodsearch: Time to Shop!

    Many people are now using Goodsearch for their internet searches. This free search engine generates funds for non-profit organizations like HRI. Now there's another way that is FREE for you that raises money for HRI. This time you can raise funds for Havanese in rescue while doing your online shopping. Perfect!

    GoodShop is easy to use and still allows you to use any discounts or coupons you might have for various stores. To shop through GoodShop and raise money for HRI, simply go to www.goodsearch. com Be sure that you have listed Havanese Rescue Inc as the recipient of your searches and shopping. Look at the box right below the question "Who do you goodsearch for?" If HRI is listed, you're all set! If it isn't listed, type "Havanese Rescue Inc" into the box and click the "verify" button.

    Now that HRI is designated as the rescue to receive funds from your internet searches and online shopping, you're good to go, or rather, to shop from home! Just click on the GoodShop icon. Up will come a page that allows you to choose a store from a menu or to search for a store. It's very convenient.

    I've shopped using GoodShop at Overstock.com as well as Lands End and Barnes and Noble. You'll see there are MANY stores to choose from. Everything from Amazon to Expedia to Petco to Zappos participates with GoodShop. Each store indicates the percentage of purchase that is donated to your charity of choice when you shop through GoodShop.

    Please consider using GoodShop the next time you're looking for a book, dog toy or treat, living room curtains or clothing for you or your family. It's easy to use, costs you nothing and helps a Havanese in foster care!

    Changing Lives: Kathy Patrick

    You're manning the Assistance line today. You've got a Havanese in CA that needs a new home. Her owners are moving to a faraway country and no one in their family can take her.

    Who do you call?

    Kathy Patrick, of course!

    Havanese Rescue, Inc. is pleased to introduce to you Kathy Patrick, our State Contact and "volunteer extraordinaire" from California. Since the day she got her first Havanese, Molly, Kathy has been "head over heels" for our breed.

    Very generous with her time, Kathy has patiently spoken with families who email HRI thinking they'll never understand how to "make that puppy mind" or "stop him from peeing in the corner" or "teach her to stop barking at the UPS man." Kathy always puts her busy life on hold when she is called to help with a dog who needs us. It's her quick and dedicated action along with her excellent organizational and communication skills that have helped so many CA dogs begin their journeys to new lives - thanks to Kathy!

    Kathy and her husband, Tom, have 5 children and 2 grandsons, but what makes her household busier than ever, are the black and white (well, mostly) blurs of happy, healthy, active Havs that fill their lives completely. In addition to dedication to HRI, Kathy is the Founder and recently re-elected President of the Capital Havanese Club of N. CA. She is also a member of the Havanese Club of America's Board of Directors and Chairman of the Local Clubs Committee.

    If you don't think Kathy has enough involvement with our wonderful breed, her kennel, Bellatak, is the proud home of "Vallee," the first Havanese to win back to back Best In Show titles at the HCA National Specialty event!

    Thank you, Kathy, for loving our Havanese and sharing your time and many talents with HRI!

    Jane Hohne

    Our Volunteers: The Intake Committee

    One of our Intake Volunteers Jenny French

    This is the first in a continuing series of articles on the committees that comprise HRI. Many thanks to Jennifer French for providing the facts for this first piece on the Intake Committee.

    HRI's Intake Committee is currently comprised of 11 individuals who monitor the HRI email account at assistance@havaneserescue.com . This is the online link people utilize if they have a dog to turn in or if they need help with a canine behavioral issue. In addition, queries about dogs listed on Petfinder or our website, questions from people who want to know if their application to adopt was received and other requests are handled here.

    A different person monitors the account each day and each member "owns" the requests that come in on their day. When a member receives enough information about the dog to understand what the issues are and has contacted the breeder if that information can be obtained, a note is sent to the entire committee requesting acceptance of the dog into HRI.

    Three votes are required. Following approval, the owner is referred to the appropriate State Contact for direct follow-up and coordination of pick-up and foster home placement. Any dogs with aggression issues are referred to the HRI Board of Directors for a decision.

    Many on the Intake Committee will profess that some of their best work is not in surrender and fostering, but those times when they actually help someone decide to keep their Havanese instead of turning it over to rescue. Intake may be contacted by people who are just overwhelmed with an issue they're having with their dog. In some cases owners may not be terribly dog savvy, and just do not know where to begin. After getting suggestions from the Intake Committee members they often consider hiring a trainer or reading some of the information on the HRI website, and decide to keep working with their dog. This offsets requests where owners want the dogs out of their homes in a day or two – a real scramble!

    Most Intake members are constantly working with owners and possible placements. This isn't as simple as just being available an assigned day because there is almost always a dog a member is working with that stays with you. In addition, Intake members also need to be available to vote on taking dogs in, and determining the adoption donation amounts, which are determined by a sliding scale that factors in the dog's age, medical and behavioral issues. Three votes to set donation fees are needed as well.

    The Intake Committee is composed of the people who monitor the email account, the President, Vice-President, Dog Wrangler and Assistant Dog Wrangler, Past President and Intake Coordinator. Currently, there is quite a bit of overlap in these roles which keeps each and every member extremely busy.

    I hope that this has enlightened those of you, like myself, who viewed the work of the Intake Committee from updates or the newsletter, realized they were very busy, but knew very little of the mechanics and workings of this group. As we are all aware, this is one busy bunch of hard-working and dedicated volunteers! Bravo to each and every one of you for your tireless efforts!

    Suzy McQuown

    Adoption Corner


    Belle is a 5 year sweetheart, ready for her forever home. She loves being pet, especially having her ears, chest and tummy rubbed. This little girl also loves to be brushed!

    Belle is very shy and take a little time to warm up in new situations. She enjoys the company of another dog. Her mellow personality helped her fit right into the 3 dog pack of her foster family.

    This sunbathing beauty loves spending time outdoors in her fenced yard. She's been a little nervous on walks outside her yard, though that is being worked on in her foster home. She does best when another dog accompanies her on those walks.

    Belle's ideal family will include a female owner or a loving couple, willing to help her warm up to her new "dad." She warmed up quickly to the teenage boy in her foster family though, and is excited to see him when he comes home from school each day. Belle also needs the company of another dog, preferably about her age. Belle is fostered in Florida.

    To Inquire about Belle...

    As we went to "press" we received word that Belle may have found her home!!! Visit
    to view our other Havanese awaiting their forever homes!

    Adoption News

    Biscuit featured in last month's newsletter has gone to his forever home! However, Mickey also featured is still looking for his forever family!

    Upcoming HRI Events

    Coming Soon
    They are the axis on which our personal dog world spins, these Havanese. Yes, they really do make our world go 'round! Watch for information about what's in store from this year's quilters for the Havanese Rescue Quilt project.

    World Festival in the Finger Lakes on May 17, 2008


    Well, not quite, but there's a way YOU can help HRI raise money without spending even a penny! Here's how it works!

    Go to goodsearch.com

    Look at the second box on the page that follows the words: "I'm supporting" and type in Havanese Rescue- HRI. Then click the button that says "Verify."

    That's it! Each search generates a penny for HRI. If 100 people do two searches a day, that's $2.00 a day for HRI or $60 a month and it costs you nothing.

    Searching through goodsearch.com does not sign you up for any spam or put you on a mailing list. It's just another search engine, this one sponsored by yahoo.

    Thanks to everyone who uses this option and raises money for our Havanese!

    Don't forget to add
    to your approved senders list,
    so you may continue to receive
    The HRI Newsletter

    Changing lives ... one Havanese at a time.