President's Message

Summertime is here – the season of fun and activity. In keeping with that tradition Havanese Rescue is anxiously anticipating some exciting happenings.

July marks our 4th anniversary and, as you will read in this newsletter, we’re celebrating with the kick-off of our Annual Appeal. We are hopeful that you will support us with a monetary contribution so that we can continue the important work we do for our rescue dogs. Every dollar counts and every dollar is spent on our dogs.

The following month, from August 26 – 30, many HRI volunteers and some of our rescue dogs will be in Richmond, VA, taking part in the Havanese National Specialty. It’s always a fun time and one we look forward to every year. There will be an HRI reception on Thursday evening of that week and a parade two days later featuring some of our rescue dogs. The week culminates in the drawing of the winning tickets for three very lucky individuals on Saturday the 30th. Two people will end up as the happy owners of an exquisite Havanese Rescue quilt – we have two quilts this year. One person will win a beautiful wall hanging. There will be more information in our next newsletter or you can visit the quilt website to learn more.

In closing I would like to send a huge, heartfelt thank you to those of you who answered the call last month for help with fostering. We were thrilled to receive 17 new applicants. Our volunteer approval committee is being kept quite busy – and we love it. We are still in great need of more foster homes though, so once again I implore you to look into your hearts and homes to try and find a place for a needy little dog.

I hope that you all get to enjoy these warm, sunny days. Have fun and keep yourselves and your dogs safe.

~ Stacy DeJoseph


2008 Havanese Rescue Inc. Annual Appeal

Our volume of dogs in need of rescue increased by 32 percent in the first quarter of this year and continues to climb!

On July 1, 2008, approximately 1300 mailers will be sent to potential Havanese Rescue Inc Heroes!

Did you know you could be an HRI Hero just by contributing financially? This year a few of our Heroes have generously donated $10,000.00 to match the funds we raise with this appeal. This means a donation of $100.00 from you becomes $200.00, a donation of $150.00 is matched to become $300.00 and so on...

This enchanting breed of little dogs, our Havanese, come into rescue with many faces, sad stories, and in desperate need of medical attention and unconditional love.

If you do not receive an ANNUAL APPEAL mailer from me and would like to contribute and become an HRI HERO, click the "Donate Button" to the right, or contact me directly.

Thank you,
Charlene Edwards
HRI ANNUAL APPEAL 2008 Chairperson


Letters From Homebaxternl1.jpg

June 16, 2008

To My Havanese Rescue Buddies,
Hi everyone, it's Baxter, remember me? I came into your rescue last summer (just about a year ago this week) and just a few days after my first birthday. I had to have hip surgery because my hip had been broken for months and never treated. HRI made sure that I got the medical attention I needed. It’s kinda my anniversary and I just wanted you all to know that I’m doing great.

I’ve been with my new family almost nine months now and I love my life. My mom, dad, and I get up pretty early. I have special stairs to get in and out of “our” bed. For the last few months my humans have been doing something to their house. All these new people come and make loud noises - sawing and hammering. It’s my job to tell mom and dad they have arrived, and then I have to go greet each one and welcome them to our home. I welcome everyone to our house. Come to think of it, I welcome everyone, everywhere; it’s just good manners. My dad goes to work some days (he puts wires on people's teeth.) At first it made me a little nervous when he looked in my mouth, but I love “Pearlie Whites” (I can finish a medium one in one day), and I'm hoping they will keep my teeth safe from human intervention.

My mom takes me to Starbucks every morning and I’ve sort of appointed myself their unofficial ambassador. On special occasions she takes me to play with my Hav “cousins” Oscar and Felix. I know as soon as we get off the interstate EXACTLY where we’re going ‘cause I can see real well sitting up on my monogrammed car seat. Oh yeah, it’s black and white like me and my leash and collar are black and white, too; I’m really stylin’.

I get to go on some real fun trips, like to Carmel, where we stay in a special dog friendly hotel. We’re going to Tahoe for the Fourth of July. I’m not wild about fireworks but my mom and dad will protect me. They even got me a life preserver for my birthday. I tried to remind them that I can swim, but mom’s a worrier and I’ll do just about anything to make her happy! I think they call it reciprocity.

Well, I‘m off to fall asleep in the sun, or maybe I’ll just catch a catnap on the sofa with my head buried under a pillow. I better check on the workers first, just in case I missed anyone; there’s just so much to do.

I want to thank each and every one of you one more time for your kindness and generosity. I don’t know where I’d be without you all, but I’m sure happy here.



Rescue Quilt Drawing!
The annual anticipation is back.'s almost time for the Havanese Rescue Quilt drawing!

This is your lucky year. For the first time ever, HRI is proud to present the opportunity for three people to win a beautiful rescue quilt or wall hanging at our rescue quilt drawing at the HCA National Specialty!

  • Quilt "A" is called "Havanese Make My World Go Round." It was made by the HRI Quilt group and features carousel Havanese surrounding 12 blocks illustrating the theme of Havanese making our world go 'round. This quilt is dedicated to Sue Nelson. Sue was a true pioneer in the Havanese world and participated in many aspects of dog sports with her dogs. She was also one of HRI's volunteers. She gave her time and knowledge unselfishly to many newcomers to the dog world. She is missed by many.


  • Quilt "B," called "The Havanese Forum Quilt" was lovingly made by generous and talented members of the Havanese Forum  This quilt represents the love of our breed as they're illustrated resting in the grass, racing with string or smiling at folks like you and I that just can't help but smile right back.


  • Quilt "C" is a Wall Hanging, "Havanese Delight," made by Pat Limburg, a supporter of rescue, and donated to HRI. The batik fabric in this quilt is breath taking. Each carousel Havanese is quilted with the quilt lines radiating from each dog like the ripple effect our volunteers have on the lives of our dogs in rescue. This quilt is dedicated to Rosalie Leone, an HRI volunteer who devoted her time and talents to our Havanese breed, including those Havanese who needed her loving foster care.


Regardless of which quilt you select as your choice, should your name be one of the three tickets drawn, you will be delighted, we know.  All proceeds benefit Havanese Rescue, Inc.
To enter the drawing and see more information about the quilts click here.

In Memory of Ebbie
June 18, 2008


For a Small Dreamer

Run now, forever,
the joyous fields of heaven....
my angel puppy.
Fierce digger of dirt,
brave climber of hills,
free spirit and keeper of my heart.
Discover small creatures,
given solely for your delight.
Touch pink and black tipped nose to pansy bloom...
then pat with gentle paws the petaled rose.
Lie sweetly now, on your back, in perfect trust,
then sleep, small dreamer, curled so tightly, forever, within my heart.

From a poem by Margaret Hillert

To read more of Ebbie's story, click here:


Fritz, Our Little Man


Fritz is an adorable white male, Havanese-Bichon, 3-5 years old, who is now enjoying his first time in a loving home through his foster family.

He enjoys laps, and especially adores ear rubs although regular petting will do just fine. He’s very good and eager to please and will repay your attention with his wagging tail and kisses.

One of his favorite things is just to spend time in his own backyard. Fritz was one of 5 other Havanese-Bichon mixes brought to a shelter in a single cat carrier. He never played with toys or felt a loving touch. He is now learning about life as a family member, experiencing the joy of sitting on a couch with a person who loves him.

Fritz is waiting for a loving home and that beautiful life he never had before.


Attention Webmasters!

Graphics are now available on the HRI website to use when linking from your site to HRI. Several clubs, and more than a few of HRI's wonderful supporters, have requested this and they're now available.

Here's our new graphic:


The graphic also comes in several other colors. Our thanks in advance to those providing a link to:


With the constant increase in rescues coming in, HRI is in need of foster homes. If you can help, please register at our volunteer web site:

If you can't volunteer, won't you consider making a donation:


Quick Links

Don't forget to Enter the Quilt Drawing!
Havanese Rescue Quilt Project
Track the Progress of the Annual Appeal!
2008 Annual Appeal Tracker
Read about our Happy Beginnings !


Supporting Clubs



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Editor - Paula Perlmutter
Content Developer(s) - OPEN
Copywriters - Lu Wyland, Suzy McQuown
Graphics/Production - Michelle Burke
Proofreaders - Stacy DeJoseph, Lu Wyland, Suzy McQuown, Charlene Renslow
© 2008 Havanese Rescue Inc

Changing lives ... one Havanese at a time.