
President's Message

As my term as president of Havanese Rescue Inc. draws to a close, I find myself flooded with memories and emotions. What a busy and wonderful year it has been! I have experienced times when my heart was filled with wonder and magic, and times when it felt ripped apart upon learning of the suffering of some of our dogs. There were days that seemed to have too few hours, some days too many dogs in need. With each, though, was the feeling that I was in some way, whether large or small, helping the little dogs who had found themselves in our care.

I have never been shy in acknowledging my love and respect for this organization and the incredible people in it. So often I have been humbled by the generosity and dedication that I have seen. If ever there was doubt about the present day human spirit and the ability to express love and compassion in its purest form, one would need to look no further than our volunteers. It lives and abounds there.

One of my most treasured gifts these past many years has been Lu Wyland. There is no finer mentor in rescue. She possesses great knowledge, resourcefulness, and integrity. Lu’s willingness to be there for me and share her wisdom has been an inspiration. Many of our dogs have been blessed by her and I have been as well. She is my rescue hero and dear friend. I thank her.

Our new president will be a perfect leader for HRI. Jane Hohne is a woman of great warmth with a beautiful, giving heart. She is a dog-lover extraordinaire, completely experienced in the world of rescue. Jane is someone you will love and be able to count on always.

I thank all of you for your support. Together we have continued to grow and mature as an organization, and I know that we are making a difference. I ask for your continued support for our dogs. We are their voices and their ways to new beginnings. They need each and every one of us. Please continue to be there for them. I will be.
~ Stacy DeJoseph


The Story Behind the Havanese Forum Quilt

In 2007 members of the Havanese Forum,, decided to work together to help the Havanese breed in any way possible. As a part of their efforts to support HCA, they purchased subscriptions, bid on raffle items and attended the HCA National Specialty in Colorado. Shortly thereafter, a decision was made by the Forum members to design and construct their own quilt. For many, this was uncharted territory, but through encouragement and commitment, the quilt took shape. As someone finished a block, they would photograph it and post it for everyone to see.

Through this process, a close group was formed and as Julie Jorgensen, who headed the project tells us, “We formed a pretty close group and to be honest, I feel like they are all family. Originally we were just making a quilt. We were going to donate it to HCA for health testing/breed promotion, but as time went on, people kept saying for rescue, for rescue, for rescue and it didn't matter as long as it was helping the Havanese breed we were all crazy about. It ended up being the most fun I've had in years!”
Quilt blocks were sent from all over the United States and Canada. Paw prints, dog bowls, bones, and ball motifs were added for visual interest.  A forum member's mother lovingly provided the hand-quilting and designs along with sayings from the Forum. Julie adds, “I didn't really know how it was all going to end up from the start, but the entire quilt turned out much better than I ever anticipated, I think due to just positive thinking and the encouragement we all gave to each other. Forum Members contributed financially and the whole quilt was made possible by their generous donations. The best part, to me, was they were also able to actually see what their donations made. It's not often you actually get to “see” up close and personal where your contribution went.”

In closing, Julie summed it up eloquently, “I hope the forum quilt raises a lot of money for Havanese Rescue dogs. It’s amazing to think a bunch of strangers could get together, make friends, make a quilt and help those cute little dogs live a better life. That’s all we really want...”

HRI is tremendously grateful to Julie and the Havanese Forum members for the contribution of this beautiful quilt to our drawing. It is clear that, while this piece was fabricated with many, many stitches, it is truly held together by the commitment of many special Forum members, a passion for the Havanese breed and the love of its dogs in need.
Enter the Quilt Drawing

~ Suzy McQuown

Havanese Delight – The 2008 Quilted Wall Hanging

Dog people find each other and make connections everywhere. Our love for the species often shines through, beyond our love of a breed. So it was that a dog lover with two Shiba Inus at home became involved with the Havanese Rescue Quilt Project.

Pat Limburgh is a member of the Lighthouse Quilter’s Guild in Racine, WI. She works with one of the long time Havanese rescue quilters, Lu Wyland. The two shared stories about their family dogs as well as dogs in both the Shiba Inu and Havanese Rescue Inc. rescue programs. When it was time to begin work on the 2008 quilt, Pat was asked to participate in making a block. She readily agreed, but soon went beyond that point and offered to make a wall hanging as an additional prize for the drawing. wallhanging_lowres-1.jpg

Pat created “Havanese Delight,” following the carousel Havanese theme block pattern for the “Havanese Make My World Go Around” quilt. Told that her wall hanging would be in memory of one of HRI’s long time volunteers and supporters, Rosalie Leone, Pat used a special technique in the quilting, repeating the outline of the Havanese in each block. The ripple effect of this work reminds us of the ripple effect we have on the lives of the dogs that come to us in rescue. With many loving touches, patience to help a dog learn how to become part of a family or discover the joys in life, and the comfort of laps, HRI volunteers do much to change the world, one Havanese at a time. Rosalie Leone touched the lives of numerous Havanese in foster care and was a big supporter of the Havanese rescue quilt project. She is very much missed, but the love she shared with others continues to ripple in the world. We are grateful to Pat Limburgh for creating this beautiful work of art. Whoever wins it will be extremely fortunate indeed.
Enter the Quilt Drawing

~ Lu Wyland


The HRI Quilt Committee

This is the third article in a series describing the wonderful committees that work to make HRI tick. It is appropriate, with the quilt drawings rapidly approaching, that this month we highlight the group that wears their fingers to the bone for all our sweet, rescued Havanese.

A love of the Havanese breed; a concern for Havanese in need; a willingness to get involved; the desire to grab needle, thread, scissors and cloth; along with a sense of adventure and  imagination are the attributes shared by the 12 members of this year’s HRI Quilt Committee. Since 2004 this dedicated group has endeavored to Change Havanese and one stitch at a time.
Over a year ago the group electronically convened to choose a concept, design, material and patterns for their 2008 quilt, Havanese Make My World Go Round. Construction and design are certainly a huge part of their efforts but members are also involved with plans for advertising of the quilt- HRI’s major fundraiser and supervision of sales via the HRI website and the formulation of a database for block selection.

HRI salutes all of these hard-working and committed individuals for their many hours of piecing, stitching, and administrative work.

The theme for the 2009 quilt has been chosen (Havanese Antics, depicting the playful nature of Havanese), fabric has been selected and many are already busy working on their designs.  A few blocks remain, and anyone with a passion for sewing, a love of quilting or simply a hankering to try their hand at stitchin’ a Hav is welcome to join this wonderful group!

If you have an interest in joining the quilt project, go to the quilt website. The fun begins with a mouse click. A big thank you to Linda Okimoto, for assistance in providing background information for this article and for her hard work and dedication which helped make this project possible.
Enter the Quilt Drawing

~ Suzy McQuown


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She fosters dogs, she mans the intake committee, she helps with transports, she's on the phone or emailing someone about a Havanese in need, or she's tracking down her veterinarian husband to give us some helpful advice about a medical condition. Mary has been there, unwavering in her support, for HRI and its dogs since our beginning four years ago.

Mary is there for dogs when help is needed; with joy for the many happy endings, with sadness for dogs when no cure is possible and with expert advice for problems both medical and behavioral.

Mary and her husband, veterinarian Dr. Gary Cane, have been helpful in finding medical solutions for our dogs as well as having necessary supplies donated, or available at cost, when we were overwhelmed with the numbers from a mill bust.

One of the most dedicated and caring of HRI's volunteers, Mary is one of the "old-timers" with HRI. She has served as State Contact, Regional Contact, foster mom and transporter. She also served as a member on the original HRI board of directors, has been on the quilt committee and has made beautiful squares for our rescue quilts. In addition, Mary has always been generous to HRI with donations for auctions and fundraising events.

Through all of HRI's growing pains (and there have been many), Mary has been there for HRI, and our dogs, changing lives one Havanese at a time. How fortunate we are to have such a loyal, strong, knowledgeable, and continuous supporter.
Thank you, Mary!


A Special Thank You to Melissa Miller

The entire HRI family wishes to thank Melissa Miller for her generous contribution of $3,700 — the profits generated from the 2008, and a bit of 2009, Havanese calendar. As many of you know, Melissa is a tremendously talented Dallas, Texas-based photographer and Havanese owner. From the bottom of our hearts, as well as those of the many rescued Havanese these dollars will assist, we extend our most heartfelt gratitude, Melissa.


Quick Links
Adoption Application
Volunteering with HRI
Happy Endings
In The Arms Of Rescue-Pendants
HRI Cafe Press Store


Supporting Clubs

Havanese Club of America

Capital Havanese Club

Delaware Valley Havanese Club

The Greater New York Havanese Club

Havanese Club of Southern California

Lone Star Havanese Club

HRI Annual Appeal
Please remember our dogs. Please help HRI.

You have the chance to make a help us change the world, one Havanese at a time.  
Please help HRI to continue to provide veterinary care, transportation, or a special diet for a rescue Havanese.

Your Hero donation check made payable to "Havanese Rescue Inc." may be sent to:
Charlene Edwards
18106 Ontario Street
Omaha, NE 68130

Donations may also be made via Paypal and Network for Good by visiting our website:
All donations are tax deductible.
Tribute donation certificates are also available for printing at our website.

We thank you very much for supporting our dogs.


To All My Friends at HRI,kai_kato1.png
I thought I would update you on all the happenings in my life since I found my forever home. It has been one and a half years since I arrived here in Seattle and I have learned so much. I now know that I don’t need to pace in front of the front window, that a doggie door is “God’s little miracle” as it lets me chase all the squirrels in the back yard (as well as relieve myself when I need to go), that having sisters is a good thing even if they think I am an annoying little brother sometimes, that mud puddles are a great place to cool off, and that every night at 7:00, all of my friends gather at the park to play.

The park is so much fun. I get so excited at 6:30 that I start to bark to tell my mom that 7:00 is coming soon. She prefers if I kiss the back of her legs, but when I start barking she just gently tells me to, "be patient; 7 o’clock is coming soon."

Once I get to the park, there are normally eight or nine friend dogs gathered (all under ten pounds, except for one who thinks he is less than ten pounds). We run, play chase, tackle each other, learn tricks for yummy treats, and chase balls.

If we meet at the beach, we get to swim and chase birds. My mom loves it when we are all chasing each other; we look like a row of Havanese friends, reminding her of a flock of birds.

Sometimes we go for a walk instead of to the park. I am so strong I can walk 5 miles with ease. We normally go with friends so there are usually 5 or 6 dogs.  We always attract attention and people stop to pet us and smile. It is so nice that we can provide a moment of happiness for all these people we don’t know. We often get comments from these people like, “What a great flock of dogs you have.” My mom laughs because we have never been called “a pack.” We have been called everything from a flock, to a gaggle, to a pride, to a herd. My mom’s favorite is when one lady called us a “bouquet,” like a bouquet of flowers. Now wherever my mom goes, she calls us her bouquet.

Well, I am going camping again this weekend so I need to watch everything my mom is doing. Last time she took me I learned to walk on driftwood and sleep in a tent. I wonder what I will be doing this time. I have attached a picture of me at the beach with my big sisters and a friend. I am one happy Havanese!
Kai (Kato)
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Editor - Paula Perlmutter
Content Developer(s) - OPEN
Copywriters - Lu Wyland, Suzy McQuown
Graphics/Production - Michelle Burke
Proofreaders - Stacy DeJoseph, Lu Wyland, Suzy McQuown, Charlene Renslow
© 2008 Havanese Rescue Inc

Changing lives ... one Havanese at a time.