
President's Message

I love this time of year! The school buses are rolling past my window on their predictable routes, my garden is filled with mums in bloom, and the air is already a bit crisper than is typical here in the northwest. As a former teacher, this time of year always has the feel of “new beginnings” for me. This year is no different.

There are new names and titles on HRI’s letterhead stationery, new volunteers joining us in our rescue efforts and the new pleas for help for Havanese who need us, coming in record numbers. We’re looking forward to strengthening our committees, providing you great new resources on our website and reaching out to every friend of HRI to be involved in helping us look ahead to a year of growth.

Last month many of us had the opportunity to gather at the Havanese Club of America’s National Specialty in Richmond, VA. We were able to celebrate the chance to meet so many volunteers and friends of HRI at our gala reception, the joyful endings (and near endings) of 7 of our past rescue dogs and their families in our Rescue Parade, and thank many folks personally for their generous contributions to our Annual Appeal.

As you read the first newsletter of another hopeful “new beginning” for HRI, join me in thanking Sandy Twiss, Lu Wyland and Stacey DeJoseph for their past leadership and for opening the doors to safe, healthy and happy new lives for our precious breed.

~ Jane Hohne


Winners! 2008 Rescue Quilts!

The needles are resting, members of HRI and the Forum Quilt Project are busy with their designs for next year, the figures are in, and the quilts and wall hanging have been shipped to all the lucky winners of the 2008 Havanese Rescue Inc. Quilt Raffle. According to Carole Thompson, who has handled ticket sales since the inception of HRI and is a former HRI Treasurer, the total amount of funds earned is ....drum roll…$6,479.00! One hundred ten individuals purchased tickets prior to Richmond, and almost $1,500.00 of the total figure was donated to the raffle at Nationals.budsale.jpg (Bud Donner, HRI Treasurer, handling tickets for the drawing, below.)

The winner of the Forum Quilt is our own Susan Anthony, while Laura Cascino, the “auctioneer” for our annual upcoming HRI Auction took home the Havanese Make My World Go Round Quilt.

Linda Okimoto, the force behind the beautiful advertisements for the Quilt Raffle this year (along with her wonderful and talented husband, Perry) was the first member from the quilt committee to win one of the pieces and is now the proud owner of the Havanese Delight Wall Hanging. Linda became involved in the quilt project as a result of a special relationship she shared with the late Sue Nelson. In Sue’s memory Linda became involved in HRI and eagerly accepted the position of co-coordinator of the Havanese Make My World Go Around Quilt.

When I asked Linda to write a bit about the quilt she said it best. “We didn’t get dogs, we got a lifestyle. The whole family was involved in HRI this year. For 2009, I plan to make a square of my own for the first time.”

Linda continued eloquently, “The quilt wall-hanging we won will hang over my fireplace. We never use the fireplace, so the quilt will be safe. This quilt was dedicated to another rescue volunteer, Rosemary Leone. Her sister emailed me some time ago after reading one of the ads I posted about it, and told me how honored her sister would have been to have had a quilt made in her memory. How touching that was...and now it will be a part of our home.”

A huge thank you to all that contributed their time, money, and effort to this year’s Raffle. The quilts and wall hanging were beautifully crafted and lovingly designed by many volunteers with one goal in mind, the commitment to the happiness and welfare of our beloved breed and to the Ebbies, Angel’s, Spike’s and Beasley’s, the Bentley’s, Bistro’s and Bela’s, the Desi’s, the Maggie’s and Casper’s we love now and others whose memories we cherish.

The 2008 Havanese Rescue, Inc. Annual Appeal

On July 1st , nearly1300 mailers were sent out to “HEROES” from coast to coast asking for donations to assist HRI in it’s ever growing need to care for the medical treatment, transportation and placement of Havanese dogs and puppies.

Well... many HEROES came forward and with the matching grant of $10,000.00 we were able to  raise over $25,000.00!!

We thank everyone who donated.  Your generosity  will be used with the utmost responsibility in caring for those dogs and puppies in need.

The 2008 Havanese Rescue Inc. Reception

Continuing with the “HERO” theme….the Capitol Room of the Richmond Sheraton was filled with people to support and donate to the Silent Auction and Raffle.

What HEROES they were!  This year there were 41 fabulous items generously donated.  There was something for everyone!  The raffle boxes were filled! The Silent Auction clip boards were being monitored by many waiting to bid one more time and take home the item of their choice before the bids closed!

(Above, Karen Grant and Bonnie Davis at the rescue table)

Many old friends caught up on “news” and many new friendships began.  The love of this enchanting little breed we call Havanese created a feeling of celebration for the work being done by HRI.  We applaud their relentless efforts.

HRI is very grateful to everyone who helped to make the 2008 Recption such a huge success! A very special thank you to:
Charlene Edwards
Chairperson HRI AA 2008
Chairperson HRI Reception 2008

Gotta Be in Pictures...
The HRI Rescue Calendar

You've seen their adorable faces and followed their stories on the HRI website or in quilt adsisabellacalendar.jpg. Now, after several years and many, many requests, the Havanese Rescue Calendar will be available once more!

If you recall the the last two rescue calendars, your Havanese (or other dog) can "be in pictures" too! Yes, for a small contribution, anniecalendar.jpgHRI's calendar will allow you to submit a small photo of your dog to be printed on the calendar day you specify. It's a great way to honor your pet's birthday, championship, "gotcha day," or to simply show off their wonderful holiday duds.

All funds, of course, will go to support the continuing and growing efforts of HRI. More specific information will follow regarding pricing. For now, please take a look through your digital photos and select a few perfect shots that you'd like to see on the calendar. What a perfect holiday surprise for the Hav-Loving friend or family member.


GoodShop: Shopping for a Cause

Many people have been using GoodSearch for their internet searches. This free search engine generates funds for non-profit organizations like HRI. Now there's another way to raise money for HRI. What could be better than raising funds for Havanese in rescue while you shop online!
GoodShop is easy to use and still allows you to use any discounts or coupons you might have for various stores. To shop through GoodShop and raise money for HRI, simply go to

Be sure to list Havanese Rescue Inc as the recipient of your searches and shopping. Look at the box below the question "Who do you GoodSearch for?" If HRI is listed, you're all set! If it isn't listed, type "Havanese Rescue Inc" into the box and click the "verify" button.

Now that HRI is designated as the rescue to receive funds from your internet searches and online shopping, you're good to go, or rather, to shop from home! Just click on the GoodShop icon. A pop-up window will allow you to choose a store from a menu or to search for a store. It's very convenient.

I've shopped using GoodShop at, as well as Lands’ End, Gardener’s Supply Company, and Barnes&Noble. I even got my airline tickets for the HCA National Specialty at Expedia using GoodShop! It was a great way to get to a wonderful event and support rescue with the tickets for my trip. You'll see there are MANY stores from which to choose. Everything from Amazon to Expedia and Petco to Zappo’s participates with GoodShop. You can even shop through ebay using GoodShop! Each store indicates the percentage of purchase that is donated to your charity of choice when you shop via GoodShop.

Please consider using GoodShop the next time you're bidding on ebay, looking for a book, dog toy or treat, living room curtains, airline tickets or clothing for you or your family. It's easy to use, costs you nothing and helps a Havanese in foster care!


Featured Rescue

Two year old Tucker is a playful, active ten pound Havanese. Playing with his Havanese foster siblings is one of his favorite things. His sparkly personality has come out now that he's learned the joy of running and wrestling with other dogs.

Tucker is very affectionate with his foster family and loves to be petted. He snuggles up on the lap of his foster mom but is good about understanding that the other dogs need time on her lap too. When he's comfortable, he gives sweet little kisses. Tucker continues to have trust issues with people he doesn't know and can be slow to warm up with strangers.

Tucker came to rescue with some confusion about who was in charge. He's done very well in his foster home. He's a smart little dog and learns new tricks quickly. His ideal family will have time to spend with him each day and will continue to work with him, teaching him tricks. It's good for Tucker to know what is expected of him and hear what a good dog he is. Trick training is a good way to build his confidence while building a relationship with this loving little dog.

If you're interested in adopting Tucker, please complete our adoption application.
The rescue Parade at the HRI Reception was a huge hit!
Left to right: Person Name, Dog Name; Person Name, Dog Name, etc.


With the constant increase in rescues coming in, HRI is in need of foster homes. If you can help, please register at our volunteer web site:

If you can't volunteer, won't you consider making a donation:

Quick Links
Assistance for a Havanese In Need
Our Havanese Magazine
Training & Behavorial Links
Special Needs Dogs
2008 Heroes!
HRI Cafe Press Store


Supporting Clubs

Havanese Club of America
A special thank you to the Havanese Club of America for their $1,000 donation to HRI, presented at the National Specialty in Richmond!

Capital Havanese Club


Cascade Havanese Club

Delaware Valley Havanese Club

The Greater New York Havanese Club

Havanese Club of Southern California

Lone Star Havanese Club

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The HRI Newsletter

CONTACT INFORMATION - Do not "reply" to this newsletter. Choose an appropriate contact below.
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Editor - Paula Perlmutter
Content Developer(s) - (Open)
Copywriters - Lu Wyland, Suzy McQuown
Graphics/Production - Michelle Burke
Proofreaders - Lu Wyland, Suzy McQuown, Charlene Renslow
© 2008 Havanese Rescue Inc

Changing lives ... one Havanese at a time.